Monday, June 11, 2007


My dear Auntie Emma and Uncle Kevin, with, of course, their three sweet kiddos, arrived in the cities yesterday...the beginning of their three month visit from Ukraine. My man and I were able to ride with my family to go meet them at the airport. It was very exciting--we haven't seen them since January 2006! It was so wonderful to see them. The evening went very quickly. I am very much looking forward to spending some time with them before they go back to their home in Kiev, Ukraine. The fellowship is so sweet and the encouragement so strengthening. The reunion was a reminder of the joy that we will have praising God forever together in heaven!
~the welcome sign my siblings made~seeing each other for the first time~my beautiful Aunt Emma~

~a shy sweet cousin with Grammy~lots of luggage~adorable pink Ukrainian purse~a last-minute rose, anyone?

~another sweet cousin with a bee-yew-ti-ful pink backpack~lots of sister hugs~riding in the van with my man~afterwards a party at Grammy Rose's house~

~Ukrainian delicious~a welcoming swing~a quilt for a nap~

~roses from my garden~Cousin M tired out from the long plane ride from London~


Anonymous said...

Oh yay!!! I'm so happy for you. I'm sure the time was wonderful!!! I look forward to being able to spend time with them as well!!! Yay!!!!

Charity Dawn said...

How exciting to have them in the states so you can visit again. You must be so glad to see them.