Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Warmth and freshness outside has inspired me to cleanse and simplify the decor in my home. A dusting was needed in the living room yesterday, so I took the opportunity to put away some of the wintry, dark colored things and clear away some of the cozy clutter to make way for clear, springy colors and clean surfaces. Among my treasures: a lovely light blue pitcher, round mirror reflecting light and color (reminiscent of the ponds and puddles of the thaw), old wooden spools of brightly colored silk thread, hints of appley green here and there (a candle, an ipod, earrings, a sweatshirt, the cover of a book...reminding of new growth). I opened the windows to enjoy the fresh air, keeping an extra layer close by in case it got chilly. It was good to hear the sounds of the outside again as I went about my day and welcome each hour with the pealing of the church bells down the street.
On a different topic...I had the joy of finding the right address for my library system's online book catalog! I spent a long while browsing different titles and found many good ones to have sent to my library. I very much look forward to when they are all in and I can walk to my nice little library and bring home a stack of treasures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the hints of spring! It's always a joy! Thanks for sharing!