Friday, July 18, 2008


Subtitle: What I Brought Home

The first of my treasures from Auntie D.'s house was a big box full of lovely little girl clothes that are just Greta's size. It was great fun to go through it and see all of the lovely outfits for her, and it has been even more fun to dress her in them each day!


~'::'~ ~'::'~ ~'::'~
The next thing Auntie gave me was truly breath-taking to me. It was ::drum roll, please:: the living room chandelier from her 1911 house. Now it's interesting how a child's mind works and which things end up holding particular significance to them. To me, this chandelier symbolizes all that was warmth and home and family and hospitality about the years we lived in the city. From back when Auntie D.'s home was our home.

The image in my mind associated with this fixture is of evening-time. Winter, because it's dark out already, and we're waiting for Daddy to come walking home from the bus stop. Mama's in the kitchen making supper (always something delicious), and we've just finished picking up and straightening from our day of playing and school. Most of the time the radio was on at this time of the evening playing instrumental hymns. From the front windows where we were watching for Daddy we could see the far off lights of the highway below us. The glow from the chandelier could be seen from the street through the windows of the four-season porch that french doors opened from into the living room. I always thought it looked so welcoming. I also associate it with waiting in anticipation of family or friends who were coming for supper. The dusting and planning and straightening and table setting would be over and it would be time to turn on the lights and make our home welcoming. We moved often, so for me to have this tangible piece of the best of my childhood in my own home is so wonderful to me.

Auntie also gave me a set of four art deco swing-arm curtain rods that match from that house. They are now beautifying my own living room windows. I am thrilled.
(I look forward to having the chandelier glowing again; it just needs a simple rewiring. Soon.)



Paula said...

Dear Katie,
I am so glad you shared your treasures from you Auntie! The clothing for sweet Greta Rose is so pretty!

The antique chandelier is so gorgeous!!! I am so happy that she gave it to you and that it is associated with such fond memories. I enjoyed reading your heart-warming recollections from a part of your happy childhood!

Thank you for sharing! The art-deco curtain rods are beautiful too! I am so very happy for you!

Have a very lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

VERY classy! Congatulations! A lovely old piece always feels like owning a bit of history-when it is your OWN history and being used to create the same for Greta is becomes very special indeed!

dorothy said...

Hugs - I am so hapy to see them in your home! I love the glow of that lamp also and admit to tears when it shorted out and I had to make replacement or rewiring choices in only a few hours. The Lord provided the only lamp that I was even thinking about replacing it with on clearance that evening so the leading was clear - it had a new home coming. And that home is yours! There are not many earthly things I can give you of any real worth, but the ones that touch both our hearts and are shared become investments in heaven. Blessings on you and you man - auntie d