Wednesday, December 12, 2007

sola scriptura

Do you have a grasp of the importance of the Scripture? Are you so overwhelmed by the treasure you have in it that you cannot stop studying it?

"Wisdom comes from God and it comes through His Word. And apart from His Word there is no real spiritual wisdom....
"The diligence with which you approach the study of Scripture which is so critical to the blessing of your life, so critical to your joy, so critical to your usefulness, so critical to the glory of God, the diligence with which you approach this critical study of Scripture is directly correlated to your view of Scripture...directly. If you have a weak view of Scripture, I promise you you will have a weak interest in it. It is the seriousness with which you hold this document that is the initial compelling matter to motivate you in its study." ~John MacArthur

I would encourage you to listen to this recent radio series by John MacArthur with me and learn:


The Character of God's Word, HERE (part one) 11/26/07 and HERE (part two) 11/27/07

What It Takes To Study God's Word, HERE (part one) 11/28/07 and HERE (part two) 11/29/07

The Inspiration of Scripture, HERE (part one) 11/30/07 and HERE (part two) 12/3/07

How to Study Your Bible: Interpretation, HERE (part one) 12/4/07 and HERE (part two) 12/5/07

How to Study Your Bible: Closing the Gaps, HERE (part one) 12/6/07 and HERE (part two) 12/7/07

I have been listening to this series while I did my sewing projects this week and have found it to be such a helpful reminder and re-focuser (is that even a word?). I pray that I would treasure the Word of God above all things!

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