Thursday, February 25, 2010


This is to show Mama my nifty $5 clock. :)
Caleb-And finds the best things to get me. ♥ ~'::
There were three lemons, and it looked best that way, but my rubus was calling for slices of the lovely fresh stuff...


Melissa said...

$5 clock? NO WAY! It's beautiful. That C.A...

My Mimi heart is gladdened beyond words to hear that you are drinking your rubus this morning. And that you're committed to using your lemon slices, even if it means disturbing your [arguably perfect] still life...

I love blog pictures.
Love you, too. Thank you for posting on my blog, sweet Kate. And on yours.
Hugs from here in the wintry sunpatch!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The clock is beautiful - what a find!

Can I ask perhaps a silly question? What is rubus?

Kat said...

Not a silly question at all. :) It is shorthand for my pregnancy tea. We blithely call it by half of the Latin name of the main ingredient, red raspberry leaf or Rubus idaeus. I like it best with mostly Rubus, nettle and some alfalfa. :) I tend to be very bad about remembering to make it, so the fact that I have been drinking it regularly for the past 2-3 weeks means that I am being very grown up indeed! I think it does an enormous amount of good for my pregnancies. ~'::