Monday, May 11, 2009

::'~ to remember



Greta and I had a lovely afternoon outside.
I strung two more sections of clothesline and am so glad to have the extra space.

Greta discovered the wonders of the sandbox for the first time today. She played happily there for quite a while while I planted pumpkins. Sweet little thing! (Of course I gave her lots of kisses on her sandy face.)

I picked the first big bunch of my very own rhubarb ever. My plant is a division of a family plant at the farm and has taken a couple of years to get going. Greta and I made rhubard muffins for supper. Oh, I enjoy those.

* * * * *

{The crabapple trees are blooming in my town. We picked some yesterday to brighten the house for our family dinner, and now my whole house smells like the blossoms.}


Nadine said...

What pretty pictures! I love hanging laundry - it smells so fresh! Greta looks adorable in the sandbox - what fun!
My Mom just gave me some of her rhubarb to use, as mine is still too small. I shall be busy making it into sweet treats this week! :)

Ana said...

Your muffins were fantastic, Kat. Thanks for letting me have one. :)

Ana said...

Oh, P.S.~
When I was over the last time this evening, (the time I talked to you) I did notice you had clothes hanging over by the sand box but it didn't register at the time that they were new clotheslines. How fun! They looked very homey and cozy.

Mandy's Pink Home said...

I always think washing on the line looks so homly.I have always hung my washing on the line, but I realize some people are not alowed too where they live.....Greta looks so happy playing in the sandpit...

Melissa said...

Just beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to post. Your bright day brightens many when you do.

Love you!

Julian said...

thanks for your posts! I always love the pictures you take. Im sure your house smells heavenly!

Leah said...

I just love her little face!!

Angel said...

I planted Johnny Jump Ups because of this post (right after you posted it), but mine never have been quite as full and luscious as yours! Thank you for inspiration.

Kat said...

Mine weren't the first year either, but they re-seed themselves now and spread everywhere! :)