A friend of Caleb's from work has a couple of big apple trees on his farm place, which he very kindly invited us to pick from, so this evening as soon as my man came home from work the three of us went to pick apples. It was a most lovely evening.
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Greta Rose seemed to enjoy the experience from the Ergo on her Daddy's back. Toward the end she wanted out, though, because she wanted to pick too. We got a great lot of apples. I want to make applesauce and, if time allows, apple butter. (My mama and I have had fun making apple butter in past autumns; there is nothing quite so good as apple butter for a toasted piece of Mama's homemade whole wheat bread ...oh, the ecstasies.) I have a feeling that the amount of apples I have won't make applesauce to last all year, but at this point I don't know that I can process more than a couple of 5-gal. pails and laundry baskets full. I'll know better in future years I suppose. :)