Monday, June 23, 2008

pedestal cake plate

Pictures of the lovely cake plate that Grandma E. got for me, as promised. I love its distressed white painted metal lacey edging and little glass accents.
When I was little we got a pedestal cake plate that was my Great-Grandma's; I believe it was used when Grandma E. was a little girl. It was lovely--glass with little scallops on the edge. I have many good memories of getting ready for family birthdays and making a cake to go on it. Most often it was a bundt cake--chocolate, carrot. Mama would drizzle some yummy glaze on it, sometimes decorate it with flowers or frosted animal crackers for a younger sibling! In the later years we started making layer cakes, but my favorite is the bundt.
I look forward to making my own family traditions with this plate!