Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
In Miniature
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Favorites in Brown
Monday, October 27, 2008
Morning time
These early morning times of contented playing before her breakfast are some of my very favorites. Probably the majority of little videos that I'll have of her will be from these times. :) Still in jammies, but with a dry diaper, and toys to get out of her basket and play with again. She talks and smiles--so precious.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
We got our first snow of the season today. Usually it's easy to miss the first snowfall, but not today. The wind is gusting strong from the northwest, and we've had little mini-blizzards all day. On our way to church this morning we could see the flakes falling and blowing across the road almost horizontally.
'The Son of God is not a vapor. He is solid reality, with no beginning and no ending. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday and today and forever. He looked His disciples in the eye and said without irony or exaggeration, "Before Abraham was, I am."
But what about us? Once we were not, and now we exist? With the conception of all five of our children, that stunned me. Suddenly my wife is pregnant. A human has come into being. For how long? Forever. Either in heaven or in hell. There is no going out of existence. For that would not be joy for those who love God nor punishment for those who don't.
You exist forever. There is no use protesting that you did not ask to exist and would not like to. That is not an option. You and God are both in the universe to stay--either as friends on His terms, or as enemies.
Which it will be is proven in this life. And this life is a vapor. Two seconds, and we will be gone--to heaven or to hell. "As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone" (Psalm 103:15-16).
Jesus Christ came into this world--this fleeting, fallen, fickle world--and did the greatest thing that will ever be done. As the perfect Son of God, he died in our place, absorbed the wrath of God, paid the penalty for sin, provided the righteousness of the law, and rose invincible from the dead--all in a vapor's life of thirty-three years.
Because of that, we have something firm to grasp. "Surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever" (Isaiah 40:7-8).'
(John Piper from Life as a Vapor, "A Word to the Reader")
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hungry Planet
Rice Bowls
rainy morning
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
afternoon tea
Monday, October 20, 2008
Snow Company
by Marc Harshman
illustrated by Leslie W. Bowman
This is definitely cozy picture book material here. A snowstorm is coming to town. Mom is making chili and the boys are doing their chores and drinking cocoa. The snow gets bad, and stranded travelers stay for supper and swap winter stories.
I was wishing for this one the other morning, sitting next to the warm wood stove with Greta and wanting to read her a story. So I went online and ordered it through inter-library loan. :)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It's so very lovely to have you in the neighborhood. :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Before Frost
I have been letting my herbs and peppers soak up the last bits of sunshine and rain, and now it’s time to bring them indoors. Usually we let the peppers die off over the winter, but the habaneros are just now beginning to flourish and have so many lovely little green peppers hanging from their branches that I couldn’t bear to see a frost hit them. I went out with pots and a shovel Tuesday evening after Greta was asleep and dug up my beautiful thyme and oregano and sage plants to add to my kitchen greenery. They’ve grown so beautifully since I got them! Greta and I rescued three of the best-looking habanero plants before dinner and put them into pots. The rest of the beets had to be pulled, and the tomato plants checked for any last ripe ones. There were a couple of tomatoes with a blush of red, so I picked them. Hopefully they’ll ripen a bit more on a windowsill. If I were Ma Ingalls I would pick all the green ones too and make something delicious out of them, but I’m not and perhaps that can wait for another year! Now there is sage hanging in bunches from a line in the downstairs bedroom to dry, and the dehydrator is full of more cayenne peppers to dry. The house smells sweet and spicy because of the drying peppers. It’s a lovely feeling, being snug in the house with a fire in the stove, chill winds outside, and cheerful green reminders of summer in the corners. (Ha. I even stuck a pail of sage and thyme in my bathroom. Now my bathroom is not what you could consider roomy, but it improves the whole teeth-brushing experience a great deal to be tripping over some happy herbs. In my opinion at any rate. My Handsome Dude is probably rolling his eyes.)
Early Morning Snuggles
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Visiting Mimi & Pa
I did miss my man though, and am very glad to have him home. I believe we will be winterizing around our own cozy space this weekend. It will be getting cold soon.
Ah, I think I hear someone waking up from her nap now. I’m going to go smooch her…
Monday, October 6, 2008
Watch the Panel Discussion - Piper, Tripp, Kauflin, and Taylor
I highly recommend taking the time to really listen to the whole thing. They packed so much wonderful truth into a short time. The topics covered included:
Sunday, October 5, 2008
no nappy-time today
It is the perfect afternoon for a nap. It has been raining off and on today, but there is still some rustle to the leaves when the wind blows, and the temperature is cool. After the fellowship meal at church this afternoon we came home, and I was definitely hoping for a little snuggle and snooze time with Greta before doing a few evening things in anticipation of Monday beginning.